FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: How do I request an analysis of my expression?
A: To request an analysis, you must select an emotion to practice and upload an image to be analyzed. Then, there will be an icon with a question mark inside a chat bubble next to the text field. Press it for an analysis; the chatbot will tell you how to adjust your expression to match the emotion you selected.​​
Q: What does the button with the circular arrow do (right next to the text input for the chatbot)?
A: It clears the conversation between you and the chatbot.
Q: Why is my analysis wrong?
A: Make sure that your face is centered, in good lighting, and takes up most of the frame. When you upload a picture from the camera, there will be a box--ensure that your face takes up this entire box. Following these guidelines will make the analysis the most accurate.
Q: What are the tutorial videos for?
​​​​​​​A: Each expression--neutrality, happiness, sadness, surprise, fear, disgust, and anger--has been broken up into a few distinct changes of your facial features: e.g, raising your eyebrows or flaring your nostrils. The help tab has a set of these demo videos for each emotion, and that set includes videos for each individual feature change as well as what they look like when combined.
Other questions? Contact me at support@emotune.me I'll get back to you ASAP.